Lesson Plans:

China - Fine Arts

Preparation: Study the unit link for China for information that might be used here such as vocabulary and presentation materials.

Activity 1: Chinese Dancing Dragon

Present information on the Chinese New Year Festival and how the Dancing Dragon is a major part of the festivities.

Show examples of Chinese dragons either as paintings in print, video, or photographs of Dancing Dragons. Discuss how the dragons are constructed.

Divide the class into groups to work on the various parts of the dragon. This can be the paper Mache' head, the cloth body, the frame for carrying the body, and additional decorations.

Materials: Newspaper, masking tape, wheat paste (or other paste recipe), tub for mixing paste, cardboard tubes and such for adding features, and bright colored acrylics.

Colorful crape paper, glitter, strong glue or hot glue, and miscellaneous items such as bells, beads, etc.

Colorful silk or other sturdy fabric, sturdy but flexible wire, wooden dowels, small metal rings and connecting hooks, thread or fishing line.


  • Constructing head:

    • Form an enormous ball out of wadded up newspaper. You may add some small features to the form at this point.

    • Cover the ball with masking tape to give it some stiffness and make it easier to remove later.

    • Cut newspaper into long strips

    • Mix up paste and dip the strips into the paste, removing any excess.

    • Build up 8-10 layers. Only do 2-3 a day to allow for proper drying. (mold can form if this is not done)

    • Add any additional features such as horns, snout, teeth, etc. using cardboard.

    • Cover these with several layers of newspaper and paste as well.

    • It's important to create as smooth a surface as possible.

  • Decorating the head:

    • Using acrylics (tempera will work), paint the various areas in bright colors. Add 3-4 coats and let dry fully in between.

    • Create crepe paper ruffles, streamers, and other such attachments.

    • Decorate the head with beads, glitter, and such.

  • Making the frame:

    • Form wire in an arc for each section of the body where someone is needed to hold it in place.

    • Sometimes small pieces of wood are attached to the center for more support.

    • Choose large, sturdy dowels to attach to and hold up the frame. These may also be painted if desired.

  • Making the cloth body:

    • Cut and sew the fabric into long strips. Changing colors on the outer edges makes for a more colorful dragon.

    • Add ruffles or fringe at the lower edges. Bells can also be added if desired.

    • Lay the fabric body over the frame and stitch it to the wire in several places.

  • Attaching the body to the head:

    • Punch small holes around the base of the head, leaving plenty of room for someone to fit partially inside.

    • Attach metal rings to the head.

    • Sew metal rings in matching areas of the fabric body and attach it to the head with the connection rings.

  • Making the dragon dance:

    • Practice moving to the music.

    • Put dowels in place and with a number of students working the form, begin dancing.

Evaluation: (in addition to unit link)

  • Overall understanding of the assignment

  • Participation and working in a group

  • Handling of materials

  • Completed project

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The Unit link gives basic information for all classes on the unit topic. -- The Fintragh Metasite links to other information pages we've created just for this unit. These can also be found within the Activity pages for the connecting class. -- The Net Metasite contains related links outside Fintragh Dragana.
Unit 7: China China: Fintragh Metasite China: Net Metasite
China: Social Studies Activity 1: Chinese Dynasties Activity 2: Geography of China
China: Language Arts Activity 1: Tao Te Ching Activity 2:
China: Math Activity 1: Abacus Activity 2:
China: Science Activity 1: Chinese Inventions Activity 2:
China: Computers Activity 1: Avid Cinema Activity 2:
China: Fine Arts Activity 1: Dancing Dragon Activity 2:
China: Consumer Science Activity 1: Fortune Cookie Activity 2:
China: Industrial Arts Activity 1: The Great Wall Activity 2:
China: Other Activities Activity 1: China Quiz Activity 2:

As of 12/31/01

