This metasite lists the links specifically created for the Fintragh Dragana Website and the unit on China.

(This page is still under construction. Please be patient as it takes form.)

Social Studies:

Language Arts:



Consumer Science:

Industrial Arts:


Fintragh's Homepage Art Smart Links & Feedback
Properties of Design Art History Lessons & Activities
Educational Links Interdisciplinary Units Tidbits
The Unit link gives basic information for all classes on the unit topic. -- The Fintragh Metasite links to other information pages we've created just for this unit. These can also be found within the Activity pages for the connecting class. -- The Net Metasite contains related links outside Fintragh Dragana.
Unit 7: China China: Fintragh Metasite China: Net Metasite
China: Social Studies Activity 1: Chinese Dynasties Activity 2: Geography of China
China: Language Arts Activity 1: Tao Te Ching Activity 2:
China: Math Activity 1: Abacus Activity 2:
China: Science Activity 1: Chinese Inventions Activity 2:
China: Computers Activity 1: Avid Cinema Activity 2:
China: Fine Arts Activity 1: Dancing Dragon Activity 2:
China: Consumer Science Activity 1: Fortune Cookie Activity 2:
China: Industrial Arts Activity 1: The Great Wall Activity 2:
China: Other Activities Activity 1: China Quiz Activity 2:

As of 12/31/01