This unit is designed for the 7th grade.

Unit: China

Designed by Cecil Doshier and Jaclynn A. Huntington

Note: The credits for information gathered for this unit are located on the China: Net Metasite. The link is located at the bottom of this page.

Summary Introduction Preparation
Procedure Evaluation Standards

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Summary: In this unit, students will learn about China and experience this culture through several educational disciplines. It is intended that each area of discipline provide at least one activity/lesson that explores the Chinese culture and that information and experiences can move from one classroom setting to another.


Background: It is helpful for students to understand how material learned in one class can become useful in another.


Objectives: Each discipline area will present at least one activity/lesson for students about China. At this site each discipline will have a page in which to present such activities. More activities and lessons may appear in the future.

The activity pages will draw from basic information that may well be relevant to all areas. You will need to return here occasionally.

Students will demonstrate retention of information and ideas to put in to use with each discipline area and their lessons.


Vocabulary: These words/concepts may arise during discussions:

  • China
  • Tao
  • Confusiousism
  • symbols
  • architecture
  • Great Wall
  • dynasties



Teaching Materials/Resources: You may use some or all of these options.

Access to the pages accompanying this lesson. Use links at the bottom of this page to locate other pages designed for these lessons.

Slides, videos, posters or other reproductions for use as examples.

Other online sites with examples. Books, magazines and other articles on China. (see Fintragh Matasite and Net Metasite links below)

Samples of work by other students. 


Student Materials/Resources:

  • Writing materials and/or computer
  • Notebooks to transport information between classes.
  • Specific materials for a lesson will be listed on that activity page.

Set up: Organize materials for presentations, demonstration and student studios.

Procedure: ( The main procedures for each of these areas will be on the individual Activity/lesson pages)

Social Studies : (2 activities)

Language Art: (1 activity)

Math: (1 activity)

  • Activity 1: Abacus - making a simple abacus

Science: (1 activity.)

Computers: (1 activity)

  • Activity 1: Avid Cinema - Creating a video from class work to upload to the internet

Fine Arts: (1 activity)

Consumer Science: (1 activity)

Industrial Art: (1 activity)

  • Activity 1: The Great Wall - Making a model of a man made land barrier


Other: (language, fun activities, general quiz and puzzle activities: (1 activity)


More areas may be added at a later time. Other activities may be listed on the link at the bottom of this page.



Students were graded on the following criteria:

  • Understanding of material and Ideas presented.
  • Following direction. 
  • Proper use of materials/equipment when used. 
  • Originality in creating their writings and/or designs.
  • Overall neatness and organization of assignments.
  • Completion of assignments on time.
  • Additional evaluation criteria may appear on the individual acitity/lesson pages.

Standards: National Standards 5-8. (these are in the process of being compiled and organized.)

1. Content Standard #1: Understanding

Achievement Standard: Students


2. Content Standard #2: Using

Achievement Standard: Students


3. Content Standard #3: Choosing

Achievement Standard: Students



Fintragh's Homepage Art Smart Links & Feedback
Properties of Design Art History Lessons & Activities
Educational Links Interdisciplinary Units Tidbits
The Unit link gives basic information for all classes on the unit topic. -- The Fintragh Metasite links to other information pages we've created just for this unit. These can also be found within the Activity pages for the connecting class. -- The Net Metasite contains related links outside Fintragh Dragana.
Unit 7: China China: Fintragh Metasite China: Net Metasite
China: Social Studies Activity 1: Chinese Dynasties Activity 2: Geography of China
China: Language Arts Activity 1: Tao Te Ching Activity 2:
China: Math Activity 1: Abacus Activity 2:
China: Science Activity 1: Chinese Inventions Activity 2:
China: Computers Activity 1: Avid Cinema Activity 2:
China: Fine Arts Activity 1: Dancing Dragon Activity 2:
China: Consumer Science Activity 1: Fortune Cookie Activity 2:
China: Industrial Arts Activity 1: The Great Wall Activity 2:
China: Other Activities Activity 1: China Quiz Activity 2:

As of 12/31/01