Lesson Plans:

China - Language Arts

Preparation: Study the unit link for China for information that might be used for this lesson, such as vocabulary and presentation materials.

Activity 1: Tao Te Ching

Give a presentation on Tao from Fintragh's definition page called Tao Te Ching.

Provide students with some examples of Tao. There are many located at Tao Te Ching written by Lao-Tzu and the Tao Te Ching by The Seeker of the Search.

You may wish to devide students into groups or have them work independently.

Have students chose one of the poems and read through it. They should discuss the poem and how they will create their presentation.

Students will then create a Power Point or Hyper Studio presentation which will include the poem, their interpretation of it's meaning, and give an example of how the message can effect someones actions or feelings.

You might also have them compare the poem to another story or fable.

Students might also include graphics and sounds or voice overs to fit their presentation.

(this may also be used as a written assignment)


  • Computer

  • Power Point or Hyper Studio software

Evaluation: (in addition to unit evaluation)

  • Included information requested

  • Sited other information used

  • Overall understanding of the assignment

  • Overall neatness and organization of presentation

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The Unit link gives basic information for all classes on the unit topic. -- The Fintragh Metasite links to other information pages we've created just for this unit. These can also be found within the Activity pages for the connecting class. -- The Net Metasite contains related links outside Fintragh Dragana.
Unit 7: China China: Fintragh Metasite China: Net Metasite
China: Social Studies Activity 1: Chinese Dynasties Activity 2: Geography of China
China: Language Arts Activity 1: Tao Te Ching Activity 2:
China: Math Activity 1: Abacus Activity 2:
China: Science Activity 1: Chinese Inventions Activity 2:
China: Computers Activity 1: Avid Cinema Activity 2:
China: Fine Arts Activity 1: Dancing Dragon Activity 2:
China: Consumer Science Activity 1: Fortune Cookie Activity 2:
China: Industrial Arts Activity 1: The Great Wall Activity 2:
China: Other Activities Activity 1: China Quiz Activity 2:

As of 12/31/01 CountZ.com CountZ.com