Lesson Plans:

China - Consumer Science

Preparation: Study the unit link for China for information that might be used here such as vocabulary and presentation materials.

Activity 1: Fortune Cookie

Materials:  Follow the fortune cookie to find the recipe.

Materials needed to make the cookies can be found here.



  • Included information requested

  • Overall understanding of the assignment

  • Overall neatness and organization of materials

  • Neatness and cleanup - care of equipment

Fintragh's Homepage Art Smart Links & Feedback
Properties of Design Art History Lessons & Activities
Educational Links Interdisciplinary Units Tidbits
The Unit link gives basic information for all classes on the unit topic. -- The Fintragh Metasite links to other information pages we've created just for this unit. These can also be found within the Activity pages for the connecting class. -- The Net Metasite contains related links outside Fintragh Dragana.
Unit 7: China China: Fintragh Metasite China: Net Metasite
China: Social Studies Activity 1: Chinese Dynasties Activity 2: Geography of China
China: Language Arts Activity 1: Tao Te Ching Activity 2:
China: Math Activity 1: Abacus Activity 2:
China: Science Activity 1: Chinese Inventions Activity 2:
China: Computers Activity 1: Avid Cinema Activity 2:
China: Fine Arts Activity 1: Dancing Dragon Activity 2:
China: Consumer Science Activity 1: Fortune Cookie Activity 2:
China: Industrial Arts Activity 1: The Great Wall Activity 2:
China: Other Activities Activity 1: China Quiz Activity 2:

As of 12/31/01

